Wednesday, April 11, 2012


A) Impact and Intent- how did you want to affect your audience?
I wanted them to know that there can be many separate sides to arguments.
I wanted them to leave the film with different ideas as to what the ending was.
1. On a scale of 1-10, what was the story's overall impact? 8
2. What did the story leave you thinking?
It left me thinking that a lot more coverage should have been based on the faces. The acting wasn't fully appreciated.
3. What did it leave you feeling? 
It left me feeling that i CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER now that I got that experience. I wish I could shoot it again and make the proper revisions, and it would be a fully successful film.
4. Discuss the source of the main idea that you started with and its importance to you.
 The source was basically a narrative with a single character struggling with an internal conflict. It was very interesting to deal with how people respond to her and how she handles them. It was also based around a lot of Isolation and I've always wanted to portray emotion through isolated characters.
5.Discuss the Theme or premise of the piece as you discovered it after finishing the film.
The theme transformed into moving on, and it was centered on that more than it was on the conflict that she was having.

B) Clarity of Tension/Main Conflict
1. How clear was the story? Could you see all the scenes equally clearly in my mind's eye, or were some hazy?
The story was definitely not as clear as it should have been because there were some important details that didn't make it to the film due to lack of good enough coverage. So some scenes were hazy, but the main idea of the story was pretty clear.
2. What parts could you easily and pleasurably retell, and what parts are difficult to recall?
I would easilly retell the scenes with the signs and her connection to them and the story.
I would also have her reading a better suited book, and neatly arrange her closet.
Its difficult to recal the whisper scene that we initially wanted in there.
C) Potential
1. Does the story feel complete?
Yes. It stands alright in its own, but there is no doubt that it could have been better with some better footage and directing in acting.
2. On a scale of 1-10, rate each scene. Are they all functioning to full potential?
Scene1: Alarmclock scene: Showing her routine was pretty successful, only that there were some elements in the story that did not match up to her character and therefore felt uncontrolled e.g. untidy closet.
Scene2: Interior: Showing how lonely she was, it worked out pretty well because we had the ring as a device. Problem is that she didn't seem as lonely as she did sad. And the scene with the mother and child was not as effective as we'd hoped.
Scene3: Picketing: Very successful. The scene portrayed all the picketers out in the street with the signs and it read well to the viewers and myself. plus the location was really appropriate.
Scene4: Interior Final: The self realization also read pretty clearly, she is seen making her hair and for the first time having breakfast, changing up her hair. People know there is something different about her, but they are not sure what exactly it is, which is a good thing.

3. Which elements were strong, which were weak?
Strong elements are the locations. Most of the actors. Weak elements are that there are not enough close up shots. and not enough coverage.
D) Feedback-- Discuss “What you want to learn to do better.”
The piece is working in that there is enough in there to make it a successful first whole narrative. It has some good shots in there and the acting is pretty good.
The downside is the coverage was not enough, and the directing was not good enough and neither was the shooting. We could have gotten a whole lot more interesting shots.
All of which I now i can do better in the next film.

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